Does Layer0 support using the using the keys beforeFiles ,afterFiles and fallback to read rewrites from next.config.js

could you confirm if layer0 is already prepared to read rewrites from next.config.js using the keys beforeFiles , afterFiles and fallback in this format?

module.exports = {
  async rewrites() {
    return {
      beforeFiles: [
        // These rewrites are checked after headers/redirects
        // and before pages/public files which allows overriding
        // page files
          source: '/some-page',
          destination: '/somewhere-else',
          has: [{ type: 'query', key: 'overrideMe' }],
      afterFiles: [
        // These rewrites are checked after pages/public files
        // are checked but before dynamic routes
          source: '/non-existent',
          destination: '/somewhere-else',
      fallback: [
        // These rewrites are checked after both pages/public files
        // and dynamic routes are checked
          source: '/:path*',
          destination: '',

The beforeFiles, afterFiles, and fallback properties are supported as of @xdn/next version 3.5.0. Support for the new matching capabilities (the has property) in the latest version of Next will be released soon. Probably within the next week.