Error: None of the specified routes in "default" destination have matched the request (edge receive)

For BackboneJS app, the browser displays the following error after a successful deploy

None of the specified routes in "default" destination have matched the request (edge receive).

Routes.js file contains the following:
// routes.js
const { Router } = require(’@xdn/core/router’);

module.exports = new Router()

The app uses a file “router.js” on local system to render the pages. Router.js file contains:

EmployeeManager.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
	routes: {
		'': 'home',
		'employees': 'showEmployees',
		'employees/new': 'newEmployee',
		'employees/edit/:id': 'editEmployee',

You’re getting this error because your XDN routes file does not contain any routes. The XDN doesn’t use or understand the Backbone Router API, so you need to specify all of the server routes in the XDN router.

@mark.brocato can please elaborate a little? i’m facing the same issue, my REACT JS app is deployed successfully but it throws this error (None of the specified routes in “default” destination have matched the request (edge receive).) now.

Can you share your routes.js file? From what I’ve been able to identify, this seems to be an issue because XDN is unable to identify/match any of the routes defined in my application.
In my case, there is another “router.js” file in which I used Backbone.Router to define the routes, which now I am trying to get to work with XDN.

this is my xdn.config file


Can you give more detail on which route you believe is failing? From your routes file, / should be serving a static file. Is / the route you get the error on or is it a different route?

Any additional error message, network request/cURL will be helpful in debugging.

@tristan.lee ,
After Deployment there are errors like build isn't propagated and errors are thrown in browser's console look at this post for that please