Hey there,
I’m seemingly unable to figure out on how to go about this. Basically, I’m running nuxtjs with the @nuxtjs/pwa
module where I have the workbox plugin enabled. This automatically generates a perfect service worker for the related web app it’d be running for. When adding the module @xdn/nuxt/module
to the buildModules this will generate another workbox service worker and both of these will start interfering. I tried disabling features on both sides, adding the prefetch module to a separate script and import that into the nuxt pwa module but none of these attempts worked.
My question now is how would I go about combining these so they don’t interfere each other but I’d be still able to benefit from the XDN service worker configuration (e.g. prefetching)?
In addition to that I’d like to point out a small issue I’m facing when developing locally. When restarting the local XDN development environment (ctrl + c, xdn:dev) I’ll end up being stuck with a port (3001) seemingly being used or refusing connections although it isn’t.
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16) {
errno: -4078,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '',
port: 3001
ERROR Command failed with exit code 1.
This prohibits me from trying out live configurations and forced me to use the old nuxt development environment. A follow up on that would be awesome as well!
Have a great day,
~ rxsto