Vue deployment github action steps

To deploy a vue app from a Github action is it necessary to run all of the following commands:

npx vue-cli-service build --mode production
npm run xdn:build
npx xdn deploy --team=moovweb-demos --token=$XDN_DEPLOY_TOKEN --branch=${{github.ref}}

In other words do I have to have to vue-cli-service build, xdn build, and xdn deploy?

Are these same commands all needed to deploy from local?

xdn deploy should do the XDN build, but you’ll need to build your Vue app independently prior to deploying like you have.

In my package.json, I have:

    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
    "xdn:deploy": "xdn deploy moovweb-docs",

And in my GitHub action I just call npm run build && npm run xdn:deploy ...