I’ve tried multiple things here, starting with the tutorial from the Custom Domains & SSL page on the docs.
I was wondering about the intermediate certificate since I’ve never used that yet in a web server environment but I figured this would be the CA root certificate. Here I’ve tried two things you can find when searching for the root certificate of the Cloudflare CA.
Using the RSA certificate from https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000479507-Managing-Cloudflare-Origin-CA-certificates let’s me pass my certificate and my key but errors just a few seconds later with
2021-02-23T14:19:45Z - info - -----------------------
2021-02-23T14:19:45Z - info - UploadSsl job started
2021-02-23T14:19:45Z - info - Running job 'uploadSsl' on xdn-build-lambda v2.46.7
2021-02-23T14:19:46Z - error - UploadSsl job failed [unexpected]: Request to /tls/certificates failed with 400: chain does not go to root
Trying the same with the root certificate from https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-devices/warp/install-cloudflare-cert gave me a 500 on the /graphql
endpoint, so I’m guessing that’s just not the correct certificate I’m searching for - I figured I’d still state it here so you guys could potentially fix that.
And now I’m wondering how to get my site up and running behind Cloudflare, since I need to keep the SSL settings there at “Flexible” and none of my steps I tried today got me to a point where the dashboard accepted the certificates.
I’d love to see this followed up as soon as possible since I want to continue figuring out how to migrate my current app to a XDN-compliant and fully functional one.
Cheers, ~ rxsto