533 'Layer0 TLS Host Mismatch or Expired TLS Certificate'

hello everyone , i got problem
533 ‘Layer0 TLS Host Mismatch or Expired TLS Certificate’ uri=https://riotest1.line.pm/
is_tls error trying to connect: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed:…/ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c:1913: (Hostname mismatch)

in setting tls indicator is fine

Hey there, can you attach the contents of your edgio.config.js to help me debug further?

// This file was automatically added by edgio init.
// You should commit this file to source control.
// Learn more about this file at edgio.config.js Configuration | Edgio Documentation
module.exports = {
connector: ‘@edgio/angular’,
backends: {
origin: {
// The domain name or IP address of the origin server
domainOrIp: “layer0-origin-riotest1.line.pm”,

      // When provided, the following value will be sent as the host header when connecting to the origin.
      // If omitted, the host header from the browser will be forwarded to the origin.
      hostHeader: "riotest1.line.pm",

      // Uncomment the following line if TLS is not set up properly on the origin domain and you want to ignore TLS errors
      //disableCheckCert: true,

      // Overrides the default ports (80 for http and 443 for https) and instead use a specific port
      // when connecting to the origin
      // port: 1337,

  // The name of the site in Edgio to which this app should be deployed.
  name: "riotest1.line.pm",

  // The name of the team in Edgio to which this app should be deployed.
  // team: 'my-team-name',

  // Overrides the default path to the routes file. The path should be relative to the root of your app.
  // routes: 'routes.js',

  // The maximum number of URLs that will be concurrently prerendered during deployment when static prerendering is enabled.
  // Defaults to 200, which is the maximum allowed value.
  // prerenderConcurrency: 200,

  // A list of glob patterns identifying which source files should be uploaded when running edgio deploy --includeSources.
  // This option is primarily used to share source code with Edgio support personnel for the purpose of debugging. If omitted,
  // edgio deploy --includeSources will result in all files which are not gitignored being uploaded to Edgio.
  // sources : [
  //   '**/*', // include all files
  //   '!(**/secrets/**/*)', // except everything in the secrets directory
  // ],

  // Allows you to include additional resources in the bundle that is deployed to Edgio’s serverless JS workers.
  // Keys are globs, value can be a boolean or string. This is typically used to ensure that resources
  // that need to be dynamically required at runtime such as build manifests for server-side rendering
  // or other config files are present in the cloud.
  // includeFiles: {
  //   'lang/**/*': true, // Just includes the specified files
  //   'content/**/*': 'another/dir/in/edgio/lambda', // Copies the files into specific directory within Edgio build
  // },

  // Set to true to include all packages listed in the dependencies property of package.json when deploying to Edgio.
  // This option generally isn't needed as Edgio automatically includes all modules imported by your code in the bundle that
  // is uploaded during deployment
  // includeNodeModules: true,


Upon seeing this config, seems like you want to deploy an Angular app to Edgio and then assign it the custom domain of riotest1.line.pm, correct? If not, can you explain what you’re trying to do? Also, the domainOrIp value shows me as attached

which doesn’t have SSL hence you see the error. You can enable

disableCheckCert: true

(as commented in the edgio config) and try the same.

yup thats right
i dont know why i get that layer0-origin-
is save for me to remove it from config file?
ok solved now
thaks a lot

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Yeah, go ahead and remove it just make the edgio config to just have

module.exports = { connector: ‘@edgio/angular’ }

and then when you’ve deployed, use this guide to set up a custom domain.